Boise Bike Week wrapped up yesterday. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to attend Saturday's festivities, including the parade, due to a ballet recital (my daughters') and a party to honor our preschool's teachers. Nevertheless, I'm happy to say that I went the entire week commuting to work (and other places) by bike. I did drive the car once for a night-time pharmacy run, but other than that it was pure pedal power. I even had a great ride with my girls to the Green Expo on Saturday.
Thanks to REI for sponsoring free bike "check-ups" on 8th Street on Friday (see picture). My bike, which is a garage sale special, was definitely in need of some TLC.
I've been inspired to commit more fully to keeping the car at home as much as possible. I've signed up for the Treasure Valley Cycling Alliance Commuter Challenge. Check it out. I don't hold out high hopes of winning anything--after all, when I was out campaigning door to door earlier today, I met a neighbor who bikes out to HP every day (from the East End). Now that's commitment!
To learn about ACHD's Roadways to Bikeways program--Ada County's first bicycle master plan--click here.
1 comment:
Great to hear you stepped up to the bike challenge, Brian. I'm a big fan of bike commuting as well. How many things in the world are both good for you (as in waistline), good for the environment (as in carbon emissions), and good for your pocketbook (as in $4-$5 per gallon gas)? Not too many. All we need to do now is spread the word (and get more bike lanes :))
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